Training Videos
Training Video. Educational Film. Does that make you want to put your head down on your desk and take a nap? Crushpix can help.
Video is a great tool to show your clients, customers, and employees how to assemble a product, it can show your sales team how to fill out an online purchase order or how to get the most out of your software, it can be an orientation video letting your newly hired employees know what is expected of them or how to negotiate their way around your campus. Written instructions are great, but nothing matches hearing a real person reaching out to make a connection with the viewer.
- Corporate training videos raise the proficiency of your workforce
- Corporate training videos increases awareness and motivation
- Corporate training videos educate employees on procedures on protocol
A training seminar or workshop can be turned into a money-making video workshop that can be sold online to clients around the world. Take a look at this client review from Squeegee Press Press Sales from this video paid for the production within the first few months. This is a glowing review that details the process of creating a valuable commodity that will generate income year after year, as long as the information remains relevant.


These are some highlights from several training videos separated by a few cross dissolves. They are abbreviated due to the sensitive material in all of them.
For AC Transit, we were called the day before our shooting began to create a series of videos for every area of operation in the newly renovated Richmond, California station. We were asked to follow the representatives from each of the vendors that supplied new equipment as they explained the operations to the managers from the AC Transit facility. Two cameras and a sound person shooting for two weeks followed by editing to create over 9 hours of finished video in a total of 4 weeks including shooting and editing. These are not very detailed or heavy on graphics. There just wasn’t time or budget for that.
The video for Sun Power was produced to save the company time and money which they were spending sending the presenter around the country to explain the installation procedures. For a very affordable investment, shot and edited by only one person, they got a serviceable video.
For AC Transit, we were called the day before our shooting began to create a series of videos for every area of operation in the newly renovated Richmond, California station. We were asked to follow the representatives from each of the vendors that supplied new equipment as they explained the operations to the managers from the AC Transit facility. Two cameras and a sound person shooting for two weeks followed by editing to create over 9 hours of finished video in a total of 4 weeks including shooting and editing. These are not very detailed or heavy on graphics. There just wasn’t time or budget for that.
The video for Sun Power was produced to save the company time and money which they were spending sending the presenter around the country to explain the installation procedures. For a very affordable investment, shot and edited by only one person, they got a serviceable video.

This is an introductory course for an Oakland, California company that provides Security Services. The training helps new potential Security Officers understand how the bad guys think and behave.
We shot this in the client’s training room in front of a white board with a small crew. This video is used in recruiting and orientation sessions with new employees and rather than the instructor having to travel all over the country to deliver the information, one of the local staff members can start the video locally and follow up with question and answers. This ensures that the message and the training is consistent, no matter which regional office it’s presented in.
In this training video, a text box is added to reinforce key points, phrases, and bullet points.
We shot this in the client’s training room in front of a white board with a small crew. This video is used in recruiting and orientation sessions with new employees and rather than the instructor having to travel all over the country to deliver the information, one of the local staff members can start the video locally and follow up with question and answers. This ensures that the message and the training is consistent, no matter which regional office it’s presented in.
In this training video, a text box is added to reinforce key points, phrases, and bullet points.

PG&E needed a training video to educate their customer support staff about a new technology that was about to be rolled out.

A procedural video produced for the Clorox company to educate consumers on the Clorox website.
A completely animated instructional video designed for patients who are about to go into surgery. Finding the right tone with the animation and script were key. The budget for this five minute video was low, so we were limited in the amount of animation we had time to do. The client was quite pleased with the results and the video is included on a DVD with the product, delivered in both English and Spanish.

How to videos for the Clorox Company website. Crushpix was hired by agency Critical Mass to produce the live action portion of this video. They came to us with storyboards and handled the edit.
This instructional video was used as a 10-part educational video for hospital healthcare workers to explain the benefits of bleach in fighting hospital acquired infections. This was produced, shot, and edited by Crushpix for Clorox Creative Services.
Producing professional training videos
Training videos are created to educate. The messaging in training videos needs to be clear, so we work closely with our clients to craft the most effective combination of images and instruction to deliver the best learning. Motion graphics are always key in reinforcing what is being heard in the voiceover. A professionally produced training video will help new employees get off to a great start, they can educate existing employees, and instruct your consumers in the best ways to use your products.
Writing a better script for your Training video
Once your producer has spoken with your team, discussed messaging and takeaways they want a viewer to leave with, the next step is to write a script and/or create a storyboard. The script is the road map that will guide everyone involved with the project from pre-production, to the actual shoot, and into the editing room for post production. The client team and their supervisors can make sure the whole group is on point before any footage is shot.
A script can contain the actual words that an actor or voiceover artist might speak, but it also contains a description of any other audio as well as the visuals that will be part of the training video.
There’s normally an introduction that covers the reason for the training video as well as a brief overview of the content. A subject matter expert or a professional actor speaking directly to the audience delivers the education normally by topics. By dividing the video into brief sections, you’re more likely to keep your viewers’ attention.
We often divide our training videos into individual Modules or self-contained chapters. In longer training videos, this allows the viewer to watch at their own speed. When these educational videos are used in a classroom setting, the instructor will run the video module then stop to engage the students to reinforce the messages and keep them actively involved in the learning process.
We often use graphics stating each key point to bookend each subtopic. A bullet list of topics before the section introduces the key points that will be covered. A summary at the end reinforces the key points the viewer should take away before moving on to the next subtopic.
For companies with a global presence or global audience, we can provide the training video in a number of different languages, either dubbed or more commonly, with captions in various languages. This allows our clients to repurpose their investment for other markets, drastically lowering their overall training and educational costs.
Clients may be able to save money by not having to send their expert around the country or around the world. When we shoot that person’s presentation and show the lesson that he normally delivers, such as showing how the product they are considering buying is easy to assemble and install, the investment quickly pays for itself.
A script can contain the actual words that an actor or voiceover artist might speak, but it also contains a description of any other audio as well as the visuals that will be part of the training video.
There’s normally an introduction that covers the reason for the training video as well as a brief overview of the content. A subject matter expert or a professional actor speaking directly to the audience delivers the education normally by topics. By dividing the video into brief sections, you’re more likely to keep your viewers’ attention.
We often divide our training videos into individual Modules or self-contained chapters. In longer training videos, this allows the viewer to watch at their own speed. When these educational videos are used in a classroom setting, the instructor will run the video module then stop to engage the students to reinforce the messages and keep them actively involved in the learning process.
We often use graphics stating each key point to bookend each subtopic. A bullet list of topics before the section introduces the key points that will be covered. A summary at the end reinforces the key points the viewer should take away before moving on to the next subtopic.
For companies with a global presence or global audience, we can provide the training video in a number of different languages, either dubbed or more commonly, with captions in various languages. This allows our clients to repurpose their investment for other markets, drastically lowering their overall training and educational costs.
Clients may be able to save money by not having to send their expert around the country or around the world. When we shoot that person’s presentation and show the lesson that he normally delivers, such as showing how the product they are considering buying is easy to assemble and install, the investment quickly pays for itself.
A client focused video production company
We serve the entire San Francisco Bay area including San Francisco, Oakland, Contra Costa and Marin Counties,San Jose, Silicon Valley, San Mateo and Alameda Counties. Contact us for a free quote.